

About The Hedgehog Program

The Hedgehog Program is a proprietorship from Judith Duinkerken. She runs this website along with volunteers who are responsible for writing educational articles.

The Hedgehog Program is known for its collaborations with several organisations in various fields of work. You can check our Collaborations page for more information.

At The Hedgehog Program we write educational articles on our news page, we organise events, write educational pages about hedgehog and tenrec species, develope online courses, work on several research projects and collaborate with other organisations on projects.

The Hedgehog Program is based in The Netherlands but with our volunteers being based in the United Kingdom, United States, Germany and South Africa, we are very internationally active. This is why you can see our website in four languages!

Species questions

At The Hedgehog Program we specialize in hedgehogs, gymnures and tenrecs. Tenrecs are not related to hedgehogs but due to convergent evolution they have similar looks and similar needs, which is why we inckude them in our researches and in our education.

Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals that live throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. Despite hedgehogs all looking different and being divided into seperate subfamilies, they all have their spikes in common!

Gymnures are the hairy hedgehogs and as funny as that sounds, it is exactly what they are! They look very different, but have similar needs and habits.

Tenrecs can have spikes or haires and can looks very different from hedgehogs and gymnures, but most species look similar to gymnures and their needs are very smiliar due to convergent evolution!


If you are looking for events we are hosting, you can find them on our events page. Here you will find an overview of the currently happening and upcoming events, where they are being held and more.

Field researches, lectures, night walks, workshops and even online meetings and events are being hosted by The Hedgehog Program. Locations of each event will be listed within each event page.

On each event page, there's a floating detail box on the right showing the total slots for the event and the slots booked as well as the price per slot.

On the events page you'll see the date of each event in the archive on the left side of the screen. If you click on an event, you will be sent to the single event page. Here you can see a timer on the event image on top of the page. Below that on the right side next to the description of the event, you will see the start time, finish time and the address of the event. This information will also be available in your account if you register one on our website.

Products & shipping

Whether you are looking for online courses, books, ebooks, events or physical products, you can find all of them in our webshop.

Our product categories are listed in the shop menu within the website's main menu. But if you are already in the shop, you can filter categories using the product categories section on the right side of the screen. Here you will find a complete list of the available categories.

On the individual product pages, you can find a ll of the information there is about a product. On the top left you can see the product image(s) and on the top right you will find the name of the product, a short overview, the price in Euro including taxes, an add to cart buttong, a pay with paypal button, the product's unique stock code number, the product's categories and the social media share buttons.

Below that you will find three tabs:

Description: This is the tab that shows the information about a product in written text.
Additional information: A table with additional information about the product.
Reviews: If a products is bought by other customers and they've left a review, you can read them in this tab.

Due to the pricing of international shipping, we currently only ship physical products to The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

We handle standard shipping fees per order, based on the coutry in your shipping address:

The Netherlands: €6,95
Belgium: €9,50
Germany: €9,50

About our research

Our researches consist out of non-invasive projects. Currently those researches include building a taxidermy collection, doing microscopisc research into the structure of hairs & quills, genetic research into color inheritance and field research into migration and dietary habits.

Non-invasive research is a research method that does not involve veterinary procedures. We try to keep our research as animal-friendly as possible, which means that we try not to disturb and handle the animals as little as possible. This includes releasing them back into the same area they have been found, if we do need to shortly handle them.

The animals we have in our taxidermy collection are sourced through rescues of wild animals, breeders of captive pets or donated to us as roadkill animals. At The Hedgehog Program, we do not euthanize animals to add to our taxidermy collection, nor will we ask a vet to do so in order to obtain specimens to add to the collection. All of our specimens have a statement of legal origin linked to their specimen number.

Yes you can! Each of our research pages have a section dedicated to how you can help us in our research. We also organise field research events, in which you can physically help doing research!

News & Advertisements

News articles and educational articles can be found on our news page.

On our news page, we have all of our categories lined up: business news, science news, community news, hedgehog articles, tenrec articles and biology 101 articles.

Yes you can! If you find a news article in a news outlet related to hedgehogs, gymnures or tenrecs, you can send it to us using our contact page or send us an email directly.

In our news section, within the community news, we allow promotional articles from businesses, breeders and rescues. If you are interested in a promotional article, you can find more information on our advertisements page.

Courses, collections and teachers

Our online courses can be found on the courses page. You can also find courses based on categories on our collections page or view our teachers on the teachers page.

Course collections are based on subjects. Each collection has its own subjects and displays courses that are related to that subject. So if you are looking for an online courses that specifically relates to a specific subject, you can find them in that collection.

At The Hedgehog Program we find it important that our volunteers get to develope themselves too. This means that they are given the opportunity to work on online courses in collaboration with each other and the founder of the company. They also earn commission from each order placed of a course they've worked on!

When clicking on a course, you will be sent to the single course page where you can find all of the information about a course. This is where you find an overview of the course, the course features, the curriculum, the instructor of the course, reviews of students and an additional FAQ. In the course features you will find a button to add the course to your cart. Click on your cart and proceed to checkout. After your payment is completed, you're automatically enrolled into the course you've bought.

Payments & refunds

When visiting the webshop, you can click either of the available categories and it will show you all of the products in that category. You can then click on a product for more information or add a product directly into your cart using the ' Add to cart' button.

If you click on a product, it will send you to the products page showing all of the products information. On the right, next to the product image you can find the green ' Add to cart button' to add a product to your cart and keep shopping or you cna use the ' Pay with PayPal' button to directly order to product and pay through our Paypal payment gateway.

After you've added a product to your cart, you can proceed to check out. Directly below the cart summary, you can see a text field to enter your coupon code. The code is capital sensitive, so please make sure you enter the code in correctly. Click the button 'Apply coupon'. The discount will be subtracted from your cart total.

Through our webshop, the available payment options are iDeal or PayPal. When you want to apply for a slot on one of our local events and you don't want to pay up front, please get in contact using our contact page so we can make arrangements for you to pay in cash upon arrival.

If you have ordered a product and you are not happy with it, you can let us know within two weeks after your purchase to be eligable for a refund. Depending on your payment option for the order, the refund may take a few days to be processed. If you've paid through Paypal, the refund will show up in your Paypal account. If you paid through iDeal, the refund will show up in your bank account. Please contact us if the refund takes longer then one week (five working days).

You can read our terms & conditions here.

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